Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Realize The Power Of Cravings

In the physical aspect of alcohol, the psychological aspect is more complex and difficult to overcome. Alcohol signifies changes in brain chemistry and is associated with drinking as an activity.
For people who are in recovery phase with alcohol abuse, certain events in their environment can lead to a desired drink, as the feeling to drink can be intense to experience. Alcohol craving can appear out of nowhere with no warning. Things can be smooth for people who are in recovery, but the urge to drink can enter their mind anytime. Experiencing of alcohol craving can’t be ignored.

This is an intense desire to drink alcohol. When someone is drinking, craving keeps them locked in the vicious cycle of addiction. When active, people will go into craving and continue drinking as it keeps blood alcohol level to a point where they don’t experience the symptoms of withdrawal. While craving is relatively short lived, the intensity of craving hits can be very unsettling.

The biggest contributor to a person experiencing alcohol craving are relapse triggers. The feelings which are common among all are being hungry, being angry, being lonely or being tired. The alcohol craving includes:

  • ·         Symptoms of depression
  • ·         Abusing any other drug
  • ·         Taking recovery for granted and feeling over confident
  • ·         Feeling of frustration while in progress of recovery.
  • ·         High expectation of recovery.
  • ·         Dishonest behavior

There are additional triggers also when people start dreaming about the days when they used to drink and think that those days were the happier days. While these dreams don’t mean that a person will relapse, the dream definitely can cause craving for alcohol.

Just as there are things which bring alcohol craving, there are many ways in which people can reduce or minimize these cravings. The best one is to avoid those people or places which trigger those feeling of craving. Hunger and tiredness often leads to craving so it is very important to eat right, exercise, get plenty of rest and engage you in proper care.